These screenings are part of the series Shu Lea Cheang: Crafting a Genre of New Sci-fi Queer Cinema, presented at the Hammer Museum in conjunction with Witch Hunt, an exhibition of 16 international artists on view at ICA LA and Hammer Museum from October 10, 2021 – January 9, 2022.
Envisioned as a sequel to Blade Runner, this cyberpunk sci-fi porn tells the story of an internet porn enterprise that dispatches I.K.U. coders to collect orgasm data and introduces massively profitable orgasms on-the-go. “I.K.U. is a phenomenon that wants to refuse definition …. As much trans-genre as it is trans-gender, I.K.U. also wants to merge video and film into a fresh digital universe large-scale enough to overwhelm the viewer.” (2000, dir. Shu Lea Cheang, color, 72 min.)
These screenings are part of the series Shu Lea Cheang: Crafting a Genre of New Sci-fi Queer Cinema, presented at the Hammer Museum in conjunction with Witch Hunt, an exhibition of 16 international artists on view at ICA LA and Hammer Museum from October 10, 2021 – January 9, 2022.
Envisioned as a sequel to Blade Runner, this cyberpunk sci-fi porn tells the story of an internet porn enterprise that dispatches I.K.U. coders to collect orgasm data and introduces massively profitable orgasms on-the-go. “I.K.U. is a phenomenon that wants to refuse definition …. As much trans-genre as it is trans-gender, I.K.U. also wants to merge video and film into a fresh digital universe large-scale enough to overwhelm the viewer.” (2000, dir. Shu Lea Cheang, color, 72 min.)